LM AUDIO DIY SM30 Regulated power supply 3-20V 200mA with L200 IC

Availability: In stock
Delivery date: Immediate
Manufacturer: LM Audio
€ 4.21


Thank to this power supply you can feed any electronic circuit with an output voltage bethween 3 and 20 volt and the current max of 200mA.
Thank to the double protection on the primary section and the current limiter / protection against shortcircuit you can leave it connected to the line for years without any headcache. Changing the value of only one resistor you can use this kit as a constant current generator from 0 to 200mA. You can see the picture of the test where first we set an output voltage of 12,0V and than connected a 6V 200mA lamp, the circuit limits the output current to 200mA getting down the voltage to 5,96 volt.
MADE IN ITALY with high grade parts.
Do It Yourself kit includes all parts needed excluded spacers and line cable.
Due to inverted printing (see LM AUDIO) this is offered discounted. OFFER VALID AS STOCK AVALIABILITY because next PCSs will be printed correctly.

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